The Zoya Factor is a romantic comedy based on a novel by Anuja Chauhan. The film is written and directed by Pradhuman Singh, who previously worked on the Abhishek Sharma-directed Tere Bin Laden. Despite its cornball sentiments, the film is also very agreeable to watch. It is one of Chauhan’s best films and it’s worth seeing if you like rom-coms.
THE ZOYA FACTOR begins with a strong start and an impressive performance by Shah Rukh Khan. It gets better once Zoya is in Sri Lanka and begins interacting with the Indian team. But it slips a little post-interval, and at times, it feels too quick. For this reason, it may not be a suitable choice for all audiences. However, if you’re a cricket fan, you’ll probably enjoy this film.
Although Zoya’s professional and love lives are both lacking, her career has improved and she is becoming a God-woman. Her boss wishes she could fire her, but she must take her on for a Pepsi ad shoot. The ad campaign is an excellent way to boost Zoya’s confidence and help the team win. The Zoya Factor rating is a key component in team success and should be given careful consideration.
The Zoya Factor is based on a novel by Anuja Chauhan, a debut novel. It features elements from Bollywood movies. Shah Rukh Khan narrates the story, and Sonam Kapoor plays Zoya Solanki, an Indian cricketer born on the day India won its first world cup. The movie features an emotional connection to cricket, which reflects the fact that Zoya Solanki is an Indian god.
As the film progresses, Zoya meets the team at a breakfast table. Zoya shares a secret about her luck factor and tries to persuade the team to eat her breakfast. The acting of Dulquer Salmaan steals the movie. While Sonam has a few scenes that are over-acted, her performance is good overall. A few of the other characters are good, but none are exceptional.
While Zoya is a lovable character, Chauhan does a great job of making her flaws the central focus of the story. Though the reader will often question Zoya’s motivations, Chauhan does a wonderful job making her a likable and relatable character. However, her characterization of Nikhil Khoda can make a reader wonder if the characters in the book are really motivated by the same reason as Zoya.